It's only a few more hours until Christmas and I have to play Santa without the kid catching on. Meanwhile, while everyone in the house is sick on Christmas Eve (lovely, right?), I am sitting here thinking about this past year.
This year has been relatively a successful one. Did I get my body I wanted? No, but, I certainly got myself to the point where I feel more deserving of having that great physique.
This past year I got the job I needed to advance myself in my career. I bought a car and now in the New Year, a new house (hopefully).
I'm 27 years old, I have a relatively successful career, a healthy and happy six year old, which in the wake of the Newtown shooting I am more grateful for than ever in my life. I have a boyfriend, who while drives me crazy, cares more about me and our family than anything, and a dog that loves me more than she loves herself and dog treats.
I can't help but feel that I am, through hard work and perseverance, meeting my goals and beyond. I feel I can achieve things. I feel that now that I am moving forward in work, home, and life, that the only thing left to achieve full force is my body.
I am not making a new years resolution---I hate those. Instead, a toast. "Thank you for my blessings this year, thank you for the support and success, and here is to my next goal of health and happiness."
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day 170: Happy Holidays!
I haven't been with my shake for about a week and a half. Just went and bought a new batch of the swiss and another jar of almond butter. With Christmas coming and all that brings I need to focus on good habits. That, and I'm in the middle of buying a new house. Talk about stress! I've been anxious as hell about so much stuff. Trying to just chillax and go with the flow but it's not easy. I know myself and I know that my eating habits are definitely directly effected by the stress my body goes through. The more stress I get the less I want to workout, eat right, etc. I need to get myself in check and remember that things work out how they workout and you can do all that you can do and move forward. If it's meant to be it falls into place...if not, try something different. I'm going to give it my all but I need to put myself first.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 146: 1,2,3,4 this is how we start our war
Fitness bootcamp that is! I was a skeptic at first but I got to tell you I am really diggin' it.
I'm enjoying taking it around everyone, breaking into groups, meeting new people. This is exactly what I needed and man, I am happy that I decided to give it a go.
Although it's only been about 2 weeks, I can really feel a difference. Pearing up with the shake has been great!
DO yourself a favor and try to find a group class to get your fitness self motivated. I love not having to tell myself what to do in the gym and have someone else make my workout for me. This class is 50 bucks for 5 weeks (3-4 days a week-1 hr sesssions) It's a mini bootcamp.
The NEXT boot camp is 100 dollars and that goes for 9 weeks. I'm ready!
Fitness bootcamp that is! I was a skeptic at first but I got to tell you I am really diggin' it.
I'm enjoying taking it around everyone, breaking into groups, meeting new people. This is exactly what I needed and man, I am happy that I decided to give it a go.
Although it's only been about 2 weeks, I can really feel a difference. Pearing up with the shake has been great!
DO yourself a favor and try to find a group class to get your fitness self motivated. I love not having to tell myself what to do in the gym and have someone else make my workout for me. This class is 50 bucks for 5 weeks (3-4 days a week-1 hr sesssions) It's a mini bootcamp.
The NEXT boot camp is 100 dollars and that goes for 9 weeks. I'm ready!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Day 141: Fitness Bootcamp
To up my fitness routine, I've decided to take a "fitness" bootcamp. I went to my first class on Tuesday and was suppose to go again yesterday...but I couldn't walk! SO I will be going tomorrow since my legs have pretty much healed.
I've been diligent about drinking the shake and mixing it up by adding banana and a little bit of nutella. Got to spice it up you know? Survive these holidays!
Well, I'm going to make this a short one. :) good night folks and happy belated thanksgiving.
I've been diligent about drinking the shake and mixing it up by adding banana and a little bit of nutella. Got to spice it up you know? Survive these holidays!
Well, I'm going to make this a short one. :) good night folks and happy belated thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
DAY 126: Ain't gonna rain no mo no mo.
Whew, dodge the bullet on BOTH frankenstorms. "Hurricane/Frankenstorm/Superstorm/Hiroshima/Sandy missed upstate NY quite a bit. We lost power for 4 days because a tree fell on our powerlines and the stupid electric company took 4 DAYS to respond.
90 miles N of me is a different story. Those guys got rocked. Only positive is, so-long MTV's Jersey Shore. No remakes on that one. You can film them rebuilding the T-shirt shop, board walk, and Karma. Now that's a situation.
Than to add insult to injury a Nor'Easter came rolling through, but, that remained mostly coastal. Leaving us with a dusting inland. Now sunshine and warmer temps rolling through and of course
POWER to blend my shakes!
Back on the hardcore Shake Push. I have been blending shakes every day for the past week, since I got my power back on. Been avoiding the Halloween candy for all that it's worth and been making an attempt to get at the gym.
Sunday I leave for ST. Pete's beach FL, and although I really wanted to be much thinner by the time I get down there, I've realized I need to set smaller goals for myself.
So goal #1: Lose an additional 10lbs by Christmas. See small.
I'm going to start trying to take better cosmo care of myself as well. Maybe if you start to dress sexy, look sexy you'll begin to get the confidence to really take on the life style as a whole.
My daughter is getting older, which is helping. Our finances are more secure at least for now.
The gym is across the street from my job.
I think if you really and truly want something you can have it. Especially with your own body you can't be in more control than that.
Had my shake this morning and hitting the gym tonight.
Tip of the day: Definitely add almond butter to get the shake to hold you over further. REALLY works, gives you energy and makes you feel great.
Posting pics soon.
90 miles N of me is a different story. Those guys got rocked. Only positive is, so-long MTV's Jersey Shore. No remakes on that one. You can film them rebuilding the T-shirt shop, board walk, and Karma. Now that's a situation.
Than to add insult to injury a Nor'Easter came rolling through, but, that remained mostly coastal. Leaving us with a dusting inland. Now sunshine and warmer temps rolling through and of course
POWER to blend my shakes!
Back on the hardcore Shake Push. I have been blending shakes every day for the past week, since I got my power back on. Been avoiding the Halloween candy for all that it's worth and been making an attempt to get at the gym.
Sunday I leave for ST. Pete's beach FL, and although I really wanted to be much thinner by the time I get down there, I've realized I need to set smaller goals for myself.
So goal #1: Lose an additional 10lbs by Christmas. See small.
I'm going to start trying to take better cosmo care of myself as well. Maybe if you start to dress sexy, look sexy you'll begin to get the confidence to really take on the life style as a whole.
My daughter is getting older, which is helping. Our finances are more secure at least for now.
The gym is across the street from my job.
I think if you really and truly want something you can have it. Especially with your own body you can't be in more control than that.
Had my shake this morning and hitting the gym tonight.
Tip of the day: Definitely add almond butter to get the shake to hold you over further. REALLY works, gives you energy and makes you feel great.
Posting pics soon.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Hi everyone, it's been a little bit since I had the chance to write. I've been on the good track with the shake and the more you stick with it, you can see the weight start to peel off. I really do love this meal replacement.
I tried the pre-made shake the other day and wasn't to keen on it. I think it was overly sweet and had that protein shake funk that you don't get when you mix it yourself in the blender. I think it's okay for an emergency shake moment, but, on the reg. I wouldn't recommend it. Take the extra time and shake it yourself.
So I have the shake down pretty well, there's another element I'm having problems with---and that's my workout. I have been so bored at the gym recently. I want to mix things up, but. the class schedule at my gym is very unaccommodating. If I want to take cardio-kick, it starts at 6pm, which means I wouldn't get home until 7:30, not easy when there's homework to get done and dinner on the table. I'll figure it out. I'm looking forward to day light savings time ending so I can get that extra hour in and still hit the gym early. What once was getting up at 6 am will be 5am without losing sleep. I don't like winter, but, I sure do like the sleep!
I have a hurricane headed my way and if the Frankenstorm hits, I'll have no power for a few days, which makes everything, including mixing my shake, hard. I'll have to figure it out! It's suppose to be one hell of a storm, stay tuned to my channel I'll let you know all about it. Or I'll be out like Dorthy and you won't here from me again.
Check you later :)
I tried the pre-made shake the other day and wasn't to keen on it. I think it was overly sweet and had that protein shake funk that you don't get when you mix it yourself in the blender. I think it's okay for an emergency shake moment, but, on the reg. I wouldn't recommend it. Take the extra time and shake it yourself.
So I have the shake down pretty well, there's another element I'm having problems with---and that's my workout. I have been so bored at the gym recently. I want to mix things up, but. the class schedule at my gym is very unaccommodating. If I want to take cardio-kick, it starts at 6pm, which means I wouldn't get home until 7:30, not easy when there's homework to get done and dinner on the table. I'll figure it out. I'm looking forward to day light savings time ending so I can get that extra hour in and still hit the gym early. What once was getting up at 6 am will be 5am without losing sleep. I don't like winter, but, I sure do like the sleep!
I have a hurricane headed my way and if the Frankenstorm hits, I'll have no power for a few days, which makes everything, including mixing my shake, hard. I'll have to figure it out! It's suppose to be one hell of a storm, stay tuned to my channel I'll let you know all about it. Or I'll be out like Dorthy and you won't here from me again.
Check you later :)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
DAY 100: What's the NEWS?!
It's been 100 days since I started my journey approximately 3 months, 10 days. The journey has been bumpy, my job adding the most stress. But, things are starting to look up for the better.
I sit here tonight alone in my hotel room in Chicago, without my shake. I couldn't bring it with me on the plane for fear of the TSA ripping it apart and contaminating my shake or throwing out. That brought to light a whole new obstacle with dealing with shake and traveling. I couldn't bring my blender what to do?
I'm hoping to find a GNC around here that I can maybe get some pre-made shakes or a Riteaid with a GNC seeing how I have to go anyway because I have no hairbrush, deodorant OR my medicine. YAY travel.
In the future I will have to determine a way to bring my shake with me. Maybe get one of those small bullet blenders? Figure out a way to get the shake on the plane. I would put it in my checked baggage of course. I just don't want one of those "TSA has Raped Your Suitcase" notices.
In other news, I couldn't be happier that I am back on the Swiss. I'm losing weight again, have more energy, etc. etc. I was bad this week though and didn't drink my shake since Tuesday. It's been hectic getting ready for this trip. I know that's not an excuse, but, stress is a huge road block for my fitness. The first step to fixing it is to realize you have a problem, right?
My boyfriend recently secured a good job, so that takes some stress off of me being the only income in the household.
I feel like I'm putting myself back together, surely, but slowly.
Tomorrow I'm waking up and hitting the hotel's fitness center. Get my swag on before I go set up this tradeshow. After "work" than I'm going to site-see chicago for a little bit.
Well good night all.
I sit here tonight alone in my hotel room in Chicago, without my shake. I couldn't bring it with me on the plane for fear of the TSA ripping it apart and contaminating my shake or throwing out. That brought to light a whole new obstacle with dealing with shake and traveling. I couldn't bring my blender what to do?
I'm hoping to find a GNC around here that I can maybe get some pre-made shakes or a Riteaid with a GNC seeing how I have to go anyway because I have no hairbrush, deodorant OR my medicine. YAY travel.
In the future I will have to determine a way to bring my shake with me. Maybe get one of those small bullet blenders? Figure out a way to get the shake on the plane. I would put it in my checked baggage of course. I just don't want one of those "TSA has Raped Your Suitcase" notices.
In other news, I couldn't be happier that I am back on the Swiss. I'm losing weight again, have more energy, etc. etc. I was bad this week though and didn't drink my shake since Tuesday. It's been hectic getting ready for this trip. I know that's not an excuse, but, stress is a huge road block for my fitness. The first step to fixing it is to realize you have a problem, right?
My boyfriend recently secured a good job, so that takes some stress off of me being the only income in the household.
I feel like I'm putting myself back together, surely, but slowly.
Tomorrow I'm waking up and hitting the hotel's fitness center. Get my swag on before I go set up this tradeshow. After "work" than I'm going to site-see chicago for a little bit.
Well good night all.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Day 86: Got to keep your head up
I'm feeling much better now that I'm back on the swiss. I'm losing weight again and have more energy. I'm not sure why I was having such an ill-effect on the high protein one, but, I'm sticking to the normal version.
So it's Day 86 on this shake and I'm not where I want to be yet. I'm not giving up though and will continue to push myself forward one step at a time. I don't think failure is really an option.
Tomorrow is another day---a Monday, but, another day none the less. I packed my clothes for tomorrow and laid out my clothes for the gym. All I have to do tomorrow is just get up, drink a cup of coffee, get my gym clothes on, a couple of other household duties and I can get out the door and to the gym for a great start to my day.
I have a lot going on at work at the moment. I'll have to try my best to watch my stress levels to avoid overeating. Stress is a horrible toxin to your system. It's hard to do---but it should be minimized as much as possible.
I'm heading to Chicago in less than two weeks. I'm a little nervous traveling alone to a state/city I've never been to alone. I have a tradeshow to maintain out there but none the less, I prefer traveling to and from with other people.
Alright, good night all. If you haven't already -- check out the recipe page for some shake ideas :)
So it's Day 86 on this shake and I'm not where I want to be yet. I'm not giving up though and will continue to push myself forward one step at a time. I don't think failure is really an option.
Tomorrow is another day---a Monday, but, another day none the less. I packed my clothes for tomorrow and laid out my clothes for the gym. All I have to do tomorrow is just get up, drink a cup of coffee, get my gym clothes on, a couple of other household duties and I can get out the door and to the gym for a great start to my day.
I have a lot going on at work at the moment. I'll have to try my best to watch my stress levels to avoid overeating. Stress is a horrible toxin to your system. It's hard to do---but it should be minimized as much as possible.
I'm heading to Chicago in less than two weeks. I'm a little nervous traveling alone to a state/city I've never been to alone. I have a tradeshow to maintain out there but none the less, I prefer traveling to and from with other people.
Alright, good night all. If you haven't already -- check out the recipe page for some shake ideas :)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Day 76: You're miserable because you're fat
I had this epiphany the other day as I was getting into the shower at the gym. As I stood there thinking about my life and the way the last month or so has been barreling down on me, this thought popped into my head:
"You're miserable because you're fat."
Either that's true or it'd be a great title for a self-help book.
I thought about it more --- it's true of course, but there's a paradox there. "You're fat because you're miserable."
We can take from this thought that fat is a problem, clearly, but in order to fix the problem, you need to find the problem.
I'm sure most of you are thanking Captain Obvious right now, but, I think I'm going somewhere with this.
I think that when we allow ourselves to get fat through our misery we're enabling ourselves to be miserable.
I'm miserable because I'm fat.
Does be thin or as I like to say "physically fit in a size 7" fix all your problems? Of course not, money does. LOL...but, it can't hurt.
Anyway, my switch back to the Swiss has been a plus. I have more energy, I feel fuller longer, and I feel like I'm on the path to greatness again! Also, going back through my logs here, I could also say "I'm miserable because I'm drinking this bullshit 25" My weight loss last month net zero. Might have even had a surplus. I'm not about to step on a scale until next month once I get myself through this bottle of Swiss.
I read the slip that comes with the shake---diet/exercise plan. They say you should drink the shake 2 a day. Right now I'm only at 1 a day. I'm not so sure I want to drink it twice a day. I'm certain I'll lose weight that way but I am looking for a life style change. Now, before my wedding whenever that will be I'll be drinking that shake 2 a day! Got to look good for the camera, right?
My exercise routine is going good. I ran 2 miles 3 times last week so 6 miles. Yesterday I ran a mile, (1) but instead of running 1/4 and walking 3/4, I ran 1/2 and walked 1/2. That's what the routine I'm using says to do. Technically I went against the grain last week by doing 2 miles.
I'm going to think long and hard about a workout time schedule to and try to stick with it. I think when I leave it up to myself to decide "Am I going this morning or tomorrow or tonight" waking up, that's a bad thing to do. It'll leave way too much room for the early morning decisions---most of which are "go back to sleep now deary".
Lastly, I want to thank everyone for supporting me on my journey. I've had some great feedback from people saying I've motivated them into taking the next steps, etc. Thanks to the person who said I have "fkn skills!" with my writing. If I come out with my self help book, "You're miserable because you're fat", I expect you to buy it. :)
Cheerio for now!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Day 73: Love the Swiss
I purchased the swiss again today. I'm happy to be back to what was treating me so good. I still have some 25 left, but, I will save that for a rainy day or a big muscly workout.
Tomorrow we begin month 3 with the Swiss :)
Tomorrow we begin month 3 with the Swiss :)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Day 71: Run, MAMA, RUN!

Hello! It's been a few days since I've had time to write. I'm happy to be back though.
I'll say, I do HATE running. I hate the feeling, I hate how it makes my legs feel and I got big melons so that's not pleasing either. I remembered though before I had my daughter I had gotten in pretty good shape by running. It helped me drop weight as a teen and look awesome. So I'd like to do the same thing again.
The next thing I'm doing tomorrow is going back to the Swiss Chocolate. That 25 stuff is not for me. I didn't have the same energy nor the same weight loss effects...actually I think I gained weight on it. Talk about going backwards. Next time, I'll stick to what's working and not start experimenting...especially so early on.
So here's to success and getting back on the swiss!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Day 59: Almost 2 months
I just realized it's been almost 2 months since I started the GNC shake. This second month has not been as successful. I believe it is due to the 25 instead of the regular. For this reason, I will be heading back to the regular shake very soon.
I also saw the main reasons for missing my shake is because I either don't want to wake up my house with the blender (and I don't like the texture when it's not blended) or because we've run out of milk -- and I don't know it until the morning.
The thought I have is buy a case of the pre-made shakes (more expensive--but it'd be my emergency supply) and keep them in the fridge. That way when I have to run, can't run the blender, or out of milk, I won't be out of luck.
On a life note, this month has been kind of tough emotionally. I'm not really sure why, I don't know if it's my life, if it's my hormones, or if there is something bothering me that I'm shoving down into my subconscious. But. it needs to stop.
I think alot of the time, what ends up bothering people the most is loss of control or the amount of effort in limited time you leave yourself with. That's why I think the only way to feel better is to proactively try to gain happiness.
If you wait for the change to come, put it off until tomorrow, you're procrastinating your happiness, which seems counter intuitive...and really kind of stupid. But, I think that's what's known as being stuck in a rut.
I'm 26 years old, this is the prime of my life. If I sit here moping in my prime, what is the rest of my life going to be like? I don't want to be a quitter, or cower to what I'm afraid to tackle.
One of my first steps in taking back my happiness is I'm going to stop associating with those who don't appreciate the meaning of friendship.
I realized the other day when what I've been considering my best bud since we were just kids hasn't been cooperating much in the friendship. She took on to another girl, which is fine, everyone makes other friends, but the way she was playing me a long I just did not appreciate. I'm not going to be someone's "bitch". I decided that until that friendship is appreciated and a two way street, that I'm not interested in having it anymore. It's just effecting me way more then I think it should and not allowing me to truly be the person I know I am and deserve to be.
I find some other "friends" have been pretty selfish as well and I'm not interested in faking friendships anymore. They don't ask me over and always have excuses when I invite them here. They don't call me to see how I'm doing or facebook me or anything. Again the games are ridiculous. Sure, we get busy but I see that they keep in touch with other people (facebook reveals quite a bit) which gives me a case of the g.f.y.s.
I'm me, I'm comfortable with me, shit, I love me. I love my family, I love what I have accomplished through the hardships I faced, and I'm stronger than those who choose not to understand the meaning of friendship or a true friend.
So, I'll pick myself up by my bootstraps and continue to walk forward, towards my fitness AND my happiness.
This is just the beginning folks. Go get yourself some popcorn.
I also saw the main reasons for missing my shake is because I either don't want to wake up my house with the blender (and I don't like the texture when it's not blended) or because we've run out of milk -- and I don't know it until the morning.
The thought I have is buy a case of the pre-made shakes (more expensive--but it'd be my emergency supply) and keep them in the fridge. That way when I have to run, can't run the blender, or out of milk, I won't be out of luck.
On a life note, this month has been kind of tough emotionally. I'm not really sure why, I don't know if it's my life, if it's my hormones, or if there is something bothering me that I'm shoving down into my subconscious. But. it needs to stop.
I think alot of the time, what ends up bothering people the most is loss of control or the amount of effort in limited time you leave yourself with. That's why I think the only way to feel better is to proactively try to gain happiness.
If you wait for the change to come, put it off until tomorrow, you're procrastinating your happiness, which seems counter intuitive...and really kind of stupid. But, I think that's what's known as being stuck in a rut.
I'm 26 years old, this is the prime of my life. If I sit here moping in my prime, what is the rest of my life going to be like? I don't want to be a quitter, or cower to what I'm afraid to tackle.
One of my first steps in taking back my happiness is I'm going to stop associating with those who don't appreciate the meaning of friendship.
I realized the other day when what I've been considering my best bud since we were just kids hasn't been cooperating much in the friendship. She took on to another girl, which is fine, everyone makes other friends, but the way she was playing me a long I just did not appreciate. I'm not going to be someone's "bitch". I decided that until that friendship is appreciated and a two way street, that I'm not interested in having it anymore. It's just effecting me way more then I think it should and not allowing me to truly be the person I know I am and deserve to be.
I find some other "friends" have been pretty selfish as well and I'm not interested in faking friendships anymore. They don't ask me over and always have excuses when I invite them here. They don't call me to see how I'm doing or facebook me or anything. Again the games are ridiculous. Sure, we get busy but I see that they keep in touch with other people (facebook reveals quite a bit) which gives me a case of the g.f.y.s.
I'm me, I'm comfortable with me, shit, I love me. I love my family, I love what I have accomplished through the hardships I faced, and I'm stronger than those who choose not to understand the meaning of friendship or a true friend.
So, I'll pick myself up by my bootstraps and continue to walk forward, towards my fitness AND my happiness.
This is just the beginning folks. Go get yourself some popcorn.
Friday, August 24, 2012
I feel better today. Not so aggravated. I've been drinking the shake pretty diligently this week. I did have a weak moment this morning and ate a bagel with butter. Yes, yes I did. And you know what it was delicious but it made me tired.
I definitely have more energy in the morning by drinking the shake. Which I think is to be expected since if you carb load in the morning you're going to crash later.
This afternoon I had chili and a fiber one bar.
Tonight for dinner, I'm not sure yet. Sal is sick so it might be left overs.
I've worked out 3 times this week and I want to go tomorrow too to make it 4. Hopefully I can pull it together and get my butt there.
On another note, I'm looking to expand this blog. I'm going to start to put in some of my favorite recipes/healthy food along with work out sessions that I find burn the most fat.
Let me know if there's anything else you'd be interested in knowing.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
DAY 47: I need a buddy
It's day 47 on the GNC total lean shake 25 and I'm looking forward to getting through this bottle and going back to the other one. My weight loss progress has slowed on this one, I don't have as much energy, and I feel bloated. THE OPPOSITE of what I wanted to have happen.
I'm trying to be as dedicated about this as I possibly can. I really want to shed these pounds and get back to the person and figure I used to be.
Life is in such a tailspin all the time. It feels like there's not enough time in the day and being stuck and forced like a prisoner to sit inside a cubicle at a desk in an uncomfortable chair is about all that I can take anymore. I'm not a sitter-I'm a doer. I don't want to be forced into obesity from sitting 9 hrs a day, it's not fair.
Sure the money is good-but at what cost? I took my personal training certification because that's what I decided I wanted to do. I want to be moving, have motivation to keep myself in the best shape possible and motivate others to do the same. Instead, I'm stuck here with my ass glued to an office chair in shit lighting.
I wish I could be given the opportunity to find myself and my passion and not have to work a 8-5 job. I wish I was given the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and start my own business. But I can't because I'm the main care giver, head of household, etc. etc. BULLSHIT.
I'm tired of having to take care of everyone else but no body takes care of me. No one says, hey, I'll do that or lends a helping hand to take the worry and discomfort off my shoulders. This has been my life since I was 19. I need a break. I never had that time of self discovery or ability to grow. Yes, I had my daughter young and I gave up that opportunity but still it burns a hole inside of me everyday.
So what do I do? I put my head down and keep plugging away, promising myself that I'll accomplish goal after goal and that this isn't permanent and won't last forever. That I can accomplish things and have success in my life.
But the hardest thing is the time. Where is the time? Is it after work amongst the chaos of night time routine? Is it in the morning where I have to hurl myself out of bed in the morning? It's certainly not the 9 hours a day I'm stuck in the cubicle. I've heard you have to make time -- common my friends, we all know that isn't as simple as it sounds.
Yeah the rocks in the sand blah blah analogy, I get it, there's always room you didn't know you had. Sure, I could be a dead beat mom and do whatever, sure, I could be an insomniac and not sleep, shit there is 24 hours in a day and if I started taking amphetamines there would be 72.
We all have our bad days, days we want to throw in the towel and call it quits. But it frustrates me because I DO want to succeed.
I guess I need to start making changes besides just my body and decide what the right path in life is for me.
I'm trying to be as dedicated about this as I possibly can. I really want to shed these pounds and get back to the person and figure I used to be.
Life is in such a tailspin all the time. It feels like there's not enough time in the day and being stuck and forced like a prisoner to sit inside a cubicle at a desk in an uncomfortable chair is about all that I can take anymore. I'm not a sitter-I'm a doer. I don't want to be forced into obesity from sitting 9 hrs a day, it's not fair.
Sure the money is good-but at what cost? I took my personal training certification because that's what I decided I wanted to do. I want to be moving, have motivation to keep myself in the best shape possible and motivate others to do the same. Instead, I'm stuck here with my ass glued to an office chair in shit lighting.
I wish I could be given the opportunity to find myself and my passion and not have to work a 8-5 job. I wish I was given the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and start my own business. But I can't because I'm the main care giver, head of household, etc. etc. BULLSHIT.
I'm tired of having to take care of everyone else but no body takes care of me. No one says, hey, I'll do that or lends a helping hand to take the worry and discomfort off my shoulders. This has been my life since I was 19. I need a break. I never had that time of self discovery or ability to grow. Yes, I had my daughter young and I gave up that opportunity but still it burns a hole inside of me everyday.
So what do I do? I put my head down and keep plugging away, promising myself that I'll accomplish goal after goal and that this isn't permanent and won't last forever. That I can accomplish things and have success in my life.
But the hardest thing is the time. Where is the time? Is it after work amongst the chaos of night time routine? Is it in the morning where I have to hurl myself out of bed in the morning? It's certainly not the 9 hours a day I'm stuck in the cubicle. I've heard you have to make time -- common my friends, we all know that isn't as simple as it sounds.
Yeah the rocks in the sand blah blah analogy, I get it, there's always room you didn't know you had. Sure, I could be a dead beat mom and do whatever, sure, I could be an insomniac and not sleep, shit there is 24 hours in a day and if I started taking amphetamines there would be 72.
We all have our bad days, days we want to throw in the towel and call it quits. But it frustrates me because I DO want to succeed.
I guess I need to start making changes besides just my body and decide what the right path in life is for me.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Day 41: Thick like pudding
My 41st day on the GNC Total Lean system and I've been drinking the 25 for a little bit now. I have to say my experience with the 25 isn't as great is with the regular GNC shake. I feel like my weight loss has slowed down a bit and I feel as if I'm hungrier more often. My exercise has been pretty consistent.
I feel heavier on the more dense. I feel as if the shake bloats me and I think that has to do with the increase in protein. Most of the time to increase the amount of protein in a supplement they'll increase the whey or the soy. I'll have to check the product's ingredients list to see if there's an increase in whey as that may be the contributor to my problem.
I don't do well on whey products--- they slow me down, bloat me out, and hurt my stomach. I think it's because I have a slight lactose problem, not complete intolerance but enough to realize it's not the most comfortable thing in the world.
I also find that I don't like wheat products all that much either, that those too hurt my stomach, like if I eat too much bread or pasta made from wheat. I do much better on rice based or oat based. I really don't want to be a gluten free - dairy free yuppie but I think my body is forcing me too.
Gosh, take away my peanut butter, my milk, and my bread. You'd think peanut butter jelly sandwiches has a vendetta against me.
But, you have to eat what you recognize is the most beneficial to you. You start to make changes when you realize what kind of results food has on your body as a whole, not just your waist line.
For instance, I like skim milk now because again no stomach pains...less heavy of a milk, less toll on my stomach. I've began to drink it now instead of 1%. Never thought I'd see the day THAT happened. I also eat Almond butter instead of peanut butter...sure it breaks the bank and I do miss it, but I couldn't take the chance of a severe allergic reaction even if it is just canker sores I get now.
As for this 25 stuff, I won't be getting it again next month. I'm going to switch back to the Swiss chocolate. Can't say I didn't try.
I feel heavier on the more dense. I feel as if the shake bloats me and I think that has to do with the increase in protein. Most of the time to increase the amount of protein in a supplement they'll increase the whey or the soy. I'll have to check the product's ingredients list to see if there's an increase in whey as that may be the contributor to my problem.
I don't do well on whey products--- they slow me down, bloat me out, and hurt my stomach. I think it's because I have a slight lactose problem, not complete intolerance but enough to realize it's not the most comfortable thing in the world.
I also find that I don't like wheat products all that much either, that those too hurt my stomach, like if I eat too much bread or pasta made from wheat. I do much better on rice based or oat based. I really don't want to be a gluten free - dairy free yuppie but I think my body is forcing me too.
Gosh, take away my peanut butter, my milk, and my bread. You'd think peanut butter jelly sandwiches has a vendetta against me.
But, you have to eat what you recognize is the most beneficial to you. You start to make changes when you realize what kind of results food has on your body as a whole, not just your waist line.
For instance, I like skim milk now because again no stomach pains...less heavy of a milk, less toll on my stomach. I've began to drink it now instead of 1%. Never thought I'd see the day THAT happened. I also eat Almond butter instead of peanut butter...sure it breaks the bank and I do miss it, but I couldn't take the chance of a severe allergic reaction even if it is just canker sores I get now.
As for this 25 stuff, I won't be getting it again next month. I'm going to switch back to the Swiss chocolate. Can't say I didn't try.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Day 37: Thoughts
Are you like me, always thinking about the future but rarely taking the time to feel and live in the "now". I find myself thinking of my life in future tense---- when I have that house I want, that body I want, and ignoring where I am and who I am now. I feel that this puts an enormous amount of pressure on me to perform my best all the time. Not giving myself time to breath, take time for myself, and love who I am right this very moment.
How do we live in the now when we're constructed to plan, plan, plan. I planned for where I am years ago but still unaccepting of it. I want the future so bad that I never even recognize it when it happens, possibly because I've forgotten what it was I wanted at that moment I planned.
I want to be thinner-----I am a woman right? But do I reward myself and be happy for the little achievements along the way or do I see it as unsatisfying because I haven't arrived where I want to be yet? I always say slow and steady wins the race but that doesn't mean I'm not constantly thinking about the finish line.
I want to take one day at a time. Sure, I have my long term goals, but, I also feel that I'm missing out on a lot in my life by constantly thinking about later. Later means I'll be dead, right now means I'm young and alive and I want to enjoy the journey I'm taking right now.
How do we live in the now when we're constructed to plan, plan, plan. I planned for where I am years ago but still unaccepting of it. I want the future so bad that I never even recognize it when it happens, possibly because I've forgotten what it was I wanted at that moment I planned.
I want to be thinner-----I am a woman right? But do I reward myself and be happy for the little achievements along the way or do I see it as unsatisfying because I haven't arrived where I want to be yet? I always say slow and steady wins the race but that doesn't mean I'm not constantly thinking about the finish line.
I want to take one day at a time. Sure, I have my long term goals, but, I also feel that I'm missing out on a lot in my life by constantly thinking about later. Later means I'll be dead, right now means I'm young and alive and I want to enjoy the journey I'm taking right now.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 34: STATS on the NEW Shake
Aright, so I drank the new shake yesterday morning and the verdict's less sweet and more thick.
I don't mind it though, the "Rich Chocolate" is exactly that---rich and chocolatey but in a more dark bitter chocolate kind of way. The swiss chocolate is more decadent and sweet.
Hitting the gym tonight after work. Should be a grand ol' time. Then back at it tomorrow morning. No shake for me today as I was out of milk this morning.
Seems to be the trend, we're always running out of stuff left and right. I don't know if it's because my daughter is going through a growth spurt and putting it away or what. Or maybe I'm sleeping eating, like oh yeah the shake is keeping me full, until I go to sleep then my sub-conscious takes over "FEED ME!"
Yeah then Ambients freak sleeping patterns would have nothing on GNC Total Lean!
Going to attempt to take some pictures this weekend so you can see my progress.
Keep tune folks.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Okay folks, I took the plunge. I went and bought a new batch of shake and went for the rich chocolate Total Lean 25. This one has 20 more calories in it BUT it's serving size is bigger, so if you decrease the serving size down to the other one then you get the same amount of calories.
It has more protein and less carbs which I see as a plus.
It's sugar content maybe lower too but I'll have to look. I am going to give it a go tomorrow and see how it works out for me. They didn't have many choices at Rite Aid today as they were restocking the GNC section.
Anyway, thanks to a sale GNC is having and my 20% wellness card discount, I received a 50% discount on the shake. Originally 41.00, I got it for 22.00.
At least if it tastes god awful or I start racking up the pounds I can hopefully return it, if not it's not a huge loss.
Change is good.
It has more protein and less carbs which I see as a plus.
It's sugar content maybe lower too but I'll have to look. I am going to give it a go tomorrow and see how it works out for me. They didn't have many choices at Rite Aid today as they were restocking the GNC section.
Anyway, thanks to a sale GNC is having and my 20% wellness card discount, I received a 50% discount on the shake. Originally 41.00, I got it for 22.00.
At least if it tastes god awful or I start racking up the pounds I can hopefully return it, if not it's not a huge loss.
Change is good.
Day 32: Running on Empty
I ran out of shake.
Yep. It's gone.
I came home yesterday for lunch to blend my shake up and had just enough to make for lunch.
I didn't have time to stop again yesterday to pick up more, so I will have to go today.
BUT the shake did last me one month w/ one serving a day, so can't complain about that.
Maybe I'll try a new flavor this month, anyone got any suggestions for a better flavor then swiss?
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Day 30: One month completed
It's officially been one month since I started the shake. I couldn't be happier with my progress. Saturday's break day for me and I had an egg and cheese for breakfast, but honestly I didn't enjoy it very much. I wish I had drank my shake instead.
Yesterday I put on a pair of pants that I hadn't worn for a while and it fit me so much better then the last time I put them on. The legs were lose, the seat was lose, etc. I felt comfortable and happy.
Tomorrow will be right back on my game. I remembered yesterday how much I loved being a size 8. I felt confident, sexy, and clothes shopping was great. Having clothes look good on you and fit you better is so worth any food sacrifice. Honestly, nothing is as good as feeling sexy, even cake.
I want to get back to that point, I want to look how I looked when Sal and I met. This is what I want.
I'll get there, after all it's me who's doing the work, the shake is just the tool :-)
I'll post pictures soon, I know you want to see what my progress is. I just take the worst pictures of myself on my phone. I'll have them asap though.
One month down and many more to come... and I'm still lovin' the shake.
Yesterday I put on a pair of pants that I hadn't worn for a while and it fit me so much better then the last time I put them on. The legs were lose, the seat was lose, etc. I felt comfortable and happy.
Tomorrow will be right back on my game. I remembered yesterday how much I loved being a size 8. I felt confident, sexy, and clothes shopping was great. Having clothes look good on you and fit you better is so worth any food sacrifice. Honestly, nothing is as good as feeling sexy, even cake.
I want to get back to that point, I want to look how I looked when Sal and I met. This is what I want.
I'll get there, after all it's me who's doing the work, the shake is just the tool :-)
I'll post pictures soon, I know you want to see what my progress is. I just take the worst pictures of myself on my phone. I'll have them asap though.
One month down and many more to come... and I'm still lovin' the shake.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Day 28: Discovered a new version of TOTAL LEAN
GNC TOTALLEAN Lean Shake 25...say whaaaat
Okay, so this shake has 25g of protein "to feed lean muscles..." and 8g of fiber. It comes in at 200 cals per serving which is 20 more than the reg. shake --- w/o adding skim milk.
This all sounds great and nifty and it comes in what I'm sure tastes awesome in Chocolate PB.
The bummer part is I have some weird peanut allergy ---- THANKS MOM.
BUT it does come in chocolate and banana (yeah, no banana for me).
I MAY try it possibly but I don't want to mess up any results with what I've got going on right now. Though I do think the extra dose of protein maybe nice but who knows.
If any of you choose to take on the 25 let the rest of us know how it's working for you.
On another note, I'm feeling off my game today. I didn't get the chance to drink my shake this morning as I rushed out the door and I can feel the difference without it. I do think I am coming down with some sort of cold though as I feel like I've been fighting something off for the last day or so. I hope I didn't pick up anything strange from the Hospital I was in the other day visiting my boss who fell of her horse. This is why I hate hospitals.
Hopefully it's nothing and I can go back to normal tomorrow. I was going to go the gym but I'm going to go home and rest and take it on in the morning.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Day 26: Signs of success
Anyone can do anything for a month, right? You can stick to a diet, live with a bad haircut, or a paint color you hate...but what about the next month and the month after?
We need signs of motivation to push us through when we're at our lowest. Maybe the scale isn't moving as fast as we want it to...perhaps that paint color doesn't match anything---but then the signs arrive.
It doesn't need to be huge, after all it's probably the small things your going to notice anyway. I love the small things. Like when I put my shirt on and it's loser in the sleeves, or that button up shirt that once stretched now buttons with ease. It's these things that keep me from throwing in the towel.
Sure, I can be proud that I've successfully drank the shake for 26 days now and that I've lost 8lbs during that time. But, I'll be even prouder when my rear doesn't stretch out those jeans or when I start getting the glances of jealousy I used to get...oh yeah, I noticed those.
See, it's putting up with the highs and the lows. I didn't feel like going to the gym tonight...ugh no I certainly did not, but, I decided I wasn't going to listen to my "id". I was going to shove him right back in the hole he crawled out of and get it done. I was happy I did. I think they call that "perseverance"
I'm not the preachy type, but I need to remind myself that shit's not easy and I'm not always going to have those days where I look at the scale and I've achieved so much. I need a post and perhaps you do too where I can remember what it takes to put back on the driving gloves and punch it.
So use this post as your muse for success.
On a different note, I was listening to Dr. OZ on PIX11 this morning and he was talking about weight loss and working out. He said a lot of the time people will workout and continue to eat whatever they want (ahem, don't know WHAT he's talking about) and will over compensate for the workout. The average person---and honestly you should be doing better then this at the gym--burns 200-300 calories in a workout. If you get out of the gym and eat 600 additional calories you just filled back in what you've burned and can sometimes have a surplus. Makes sense. I was able to reflect on this because in all reality it wasn't until I got my diet in check that I'm starting to see results. Don't get me wrong, I was not eating junk, it just was too much vs. my energy burn. That's all right though, I got it now. So remember diet can be up to 90% of what it takes to lose weight. This doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise, so get your butt back on that treadmill!!!
One last thing, I apologize as I feel gabby tonight---Skinny Cow Ice Cream kicks butt too. Try the "Oh Fudge Nuts" Ice cream cones. 150 cals per cone. REALLY good. See you don't need the high cals for an awesome sweet tooth satisfy.
Well good night - until tomorrow.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Day 25: How to save money on the shake
So I wanted to inform you all of what I find is the best method for milking the Shake Cow. If you want to save money on the shake than here is a clever way to do it.
I find that Riteaid is the best place to get GNC products. You'd think you'd get better deals at the GNC store at your local mall, but you'd be wrong!
Riteaid has this great program called their "riteaid wellness card". This card is the best thing since sliced bread and if you shop at Riteaid as often as I do you'd be crazy not to get one.
I made it well over 1,000 points last year and now I save 20% off in the store EVERY TIME I GO (of course some of the fine print things apply, like no beer at a discount or if the sale item is better than the 20% no double couponing...whatever)
Anyway, I save money on all kinds of things there with this wellness card, but, it wasn't until I discovered the handy dandy combo of the Wellness card and the Gold Card of GNC, because you can use your gold card at Riteaid! Whoo-hoo!
For all of you who aren't familiar with a gold card, it's a discount card from GNC that you pay a fee to join and save 10% or more on their products the first week of the month. If you're visiting GNC monthly for big ticket items, it can be helpful, plus there is some extra perks with the card if you're vigilient, honestly don't have the time to be super gold card member.
So you become a wellness card member and a goldcard member and you can really start to play with Riteaids discounts and deals. Most of the time Riteaid will have sales on their GNC products for Wellness card members (buy 1 get 1 free, buy 1 get 1 50% off, save 50%, etc.)
If you combine your wellness card and goldcard at checkout (remember you'd have to do this first week of the month) than you could get some super savings.
When I bought my shake, I bought it in the beginning of July (10% off Goldcard) with my Wellness card (20% off) and ended up saving 30%. Plus it was buy 1 get 1 50% off.
If the companies offer the programs...use em!
Riteaid Wellness Card
GNC Goldcard
I find that Riteaid is the best place to get GNC products. You'd think you'd get better deals at the GNC store at your local mall, but you'd be wrong!
Riteaid has this great program called their "riteaid wellness card". This card is the best thing since sliced bread and if you shop at Riteaid as often as I do you'd be crazy not to get one.
I made it well over 1,000 points last year and now I save 20% off in the store EVERY TIME I GO (of course some of the fine print things apply, like no beer at a discount or if the sale item is better than the 20% no double couponing...whatever)
Anyway, I save money on all kinds of things there with this wellness card, but, it wasn't until I discovered the handy dandy combo of the Wellness card and the Gold Card of GNC, because you can use your gold card at Riteaid! Whoo-hoo!
For all of you who aren't familiar with a gold card, it's a discount card from GNC that you pay a fee to join and save 10% or more on their products the first week of the month. If you're visiting GNC monthly for big ticket items, it can be helpful, plus there is some extra perks with the card if you're vigilient, honestly don't have the time to be super gold card member.
So you become a wellness card member and a goldcard member and you can really start to play with Riteaids discounts and deals. Most of the time Riteaid will have sales on their GNC products for Wellness card members (buy 1 get 1 free, buy 1 get 1 50% off, save 50%, etc.)
If you combine your wellness card and goldcard at checkout (remember you'd have to do this first week of the month) than you could get some super savings.
When I bought my shake, I bought it in the beginning of July (10% off Goldcard) with my Wellness card (20% off) and ended up saving 30%. Plus it was buy 1 get 1 50% off.
If the companies offer the programs...use em!
Riteaid Wellness Card
GNC Goldcard
Day 25: Back to the Grind
It's early Monday morning and I'm heading back to the grind after my weeks vacation. I feel rested and energized, but, at the same time it's moments like these that make me wish I had my own business. It's not that having your own business allows you to sleep in but I am a pretty independent woman who prefers to manage and answer to myself. I hope one day that I'll have the ability to have my own business...whichever one may surface.
Anyway, today is day 25 on the GNC Total Lean shake. I drank my shake yesterday morning and went to my friend's baby shower. I managed to stay away from everything "unhealthy" which was pretty hard, but, the food was good. I even avoided the cake! As rude as that may be, I have obligations.
I DID find these new Fiber one brownies though (90 cals per brownie) WOW surprisingly they're really tasty. I was able to eat one...okay two...of those and have my sweet tooth satisfied. I'm hiding the box.
I'm trying to strategically think how to use my blender right now seeing how my whole house is still sleeping. I worry that if I chop my ice up and hit crank on the blender---I'll be met with angry scowls.
No one that's not me wants to be met with the sound of a ferocious blender at 7:30am. After all it's "wakey wakey eggs and bakey", not "wakey wakey dietary shake with skim milk come and get some!"
Alright, twenty minutes until I have to rock and roll down the road, more to come later.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Day 23: Down 8lbs
I finally took a breath and stepped on the scale at the gym a few days ago. I was greeted by a happy surprise as I am down a total of 8lbs since starting the GNC total lean shake 23 days ago.
It felt good to see the success in front of my eyes. I always tell people that steady is the way to progress. I know that weight loss and fitness is not a weekly goal it's a life long achievement.
I'm a certified personal trainer, but, pregnancy and having a desk job lead me down the wrong path. But, knowing that you need to change and taking the effort to make the change is what matters.
Truth is I don't want to be "thin" I want to be fit. I think curves are the most beautiful thing on a woman. There's been a confusion between fat and curvy, curvy is not fat, curvy is what makes the boys go mamamamama :-).
Heroin chic is out, pin-up girl is in. I've always been proud of my hour glass figure. I just want it to have nice abs.
Anyway, I ask all of you if you're going to take the shake to take it as a part of your daily life style. Do it because it's a healthy choice not a miracle cure. It takes work, dedicated, determination and a life change. But, remember as corny as it sounds, work to be the best you not the best "her".
Monday, July 23, 2012
Day 18: Vacationing myself thin
On vacation finally! I've been waiting for what feels like forever to be out here. I looked in the mirror yesterday trying on my...ugh swimsuit...I was happily surprised. It may take a few weeks to really see the effects of your work, but, it does work, and I can say is steady wins the race.
On Saturday morning I drank my shake before we sat in the car for a while. It was actually better than eating since I tend to get somewhat car sick riding passenger.
Sunday yesterday, I ate like I was on vacation haha but, I AM on vacation
Today, (monday) I need to get back on it before I ruin my progress. I'm going to make a shake today. I have to go get ice for the mini blender so most likely it'll be a shake for lunch. But, that's okay, I like shakes.
:) I'll write soon, but, for now back to the lake.
On Saturday morning I drank my shake before we sat in the car for a while. It was actually better than eating since I tend to get somewhat car sick riding passenger.
Sunday yesterday, I ate like I was on vacation haha but, I AM on vacation
Today, (monday) I need to get back on it before I ruin my progress. I'm going to make a shake today. I have to go get ice for the mini blender so most likely it'll be a shake for lunch. But, that's okay, I like shakes.
:) I'll write soon, but, for now back to the lake.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Day 13: Early in the morning
![]() |
Beautiful Sunrise - An awesome blogger's photo. |
Early post this morning. Just got done drinking total lean and will be heading to work shortly. Only a few more days until I get some time off. It's been months since I had a week off from work and now I'll get that opportunity next week.
I'd like to keep drinking the shake through the vacation period. I know vacation is for taking a break, but, should you really quit progress for a week of fun? I don't know, even if it is vacation, it will still pile on the pounds if you play cute.
Hitting the gym tonight, get my fitness on.
Got to keep on keepin' on. My goal is to be successful with this program.
The blog is helping to keep me in check. I'll do this.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Day 12: Inch by Inch
I'm starting to feel the effects of this shake. It's been almost 2 weeks and I've lost roughly 5lbs. If you replace a meal a day with this shake, it will cause a calorie deficit sometimes as much as a few hundred calories in one meal, depending on what you eat, and with that comes weight loss. It's pretty much guaranteed.
As I lose more weight I will begin posting before and after pictures.
I feel my energy levels have definitely increased.
Usually around this "time of month" (yeah, yeah, I know) I get sluggish, have some serious hankerings for chocolate. This time I don't. Of course feeling like you had a milkshake for breakfast probably helps that.
I haven't had any side effects from Total Lean yet, no stomach pains, bloating, weight gain, etc.
I don't feel deprived and starting to settle into a nice routine.
I wake up in the morning, yawn, stretch, and grab the blender.
I throw my ice in, my milk, and my shake and do it it to it.
Plus...I think the sound of the blender wakes you up!
I get my loyal beer mug, and fill it up and enjoy my morning.
I've also decided to join the Rowing Club again. I miss crew and it's great exercise. I feel good today, like I'm putting myself back together :-)
Until tomorrow friends.
As I lose more weight I will begin posting before and after pictures.
I feel my energy levels have definitely increased.
Usually around this "time of month" (yeah, yeah, I know) I get sluggish, have some serious hankerings for chocolate. This time I don't. Of course feeling like you had a milkshake for breakfast probably helps that.
I haven't had any side effects from Total Lean yet, no stomach pains, bloating, weight gain, etc.
I don't feel deprived and starting to settle into a nice routine.
I wake up in the morning, yawn, stretch, and grab the blender.
I throw my ice in, my milk, and my shake and do it it to it.
Plus...I think the sound of the blender wakes you up!
I get my loyal beer mug, and fill it up and enjoy my morning.
I've also decided to join the Rowing Club again. I miss crew and it's great exercise. I feel good today, like I'm putting myself back together :-)
Until tomorrow friends.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Day 10: Shake, Shake, Shake your body
Back on the shake, feeling great. I was looking forward to it when I woke up. I'm ready to take it on again for the week.
Sal brought home these GNC Total Lean Energy Chews. He bought them to have something to give him a mid-day boost (he works outside in the woods). I realized it was part of the same system I'm on. I've been taking them for the past few days and if you can get passed the taste, they're not bad.
They have caffiene to keep you moving and fiber to keep you full. I wouldn't really replace my coffee with them as I like coffee, but, for that extra mo-jo, it's not bad.
Sal brought home these GNC Total Lean Energy Chews. He bought them to have something to give him a mid-day boost (he works outside in the woods). I realized it was part of the same system I'm on. I've been taking them for the past few days and if you can get passed the taste, they're not bad.
They have caffiene to keep you moving and fiber to keep you full. I wouldn't really replace my coffee with them as I like coffee, but, for that extra mo-jo, it's not bad.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Day 9: Saturday life
Well Saturday is over, I wish Monday went that fast! Anyway, I didn't drink the shake today, yes its a confession. I thought giving myself a break for the last 2 days and eating normal food would be good for me. It will keep me from feeling deprived. I didn't go nuts today though.
I had a curry chicken wrap
2 cookies *gasp* (first sweet in 9 days)
and baked chicken w/ whole wheat ravioli.
doubleshot espresso (140 cal), vitamin water, 1 cup of coffee, 1 starbucks green coffee (60 cals), 1 cup of 1 % milk, and water.
est. around w/ drinks and cookies 1400 cals.
I'm really trying to be concious of what I am eating and want to achieve my goal. Before I had my daughter I was a size 6/8. I think that was the best size for my height and frame.
On another topic, I want to vent a bit: This girl on some website called skinny gossip called Kate Upton fat, incase you don't know who she is, here's a picture:
Anyway this angered me but than I thought, eh, the skinny girl is probably just jealous that no one mistakes kate for a small asian man. Though I am sure if she ever saw this blog, she'd probably puke on herself...
anyway, moving on.
I think this is something a young woman should strive to be, a girl with curves. This is a look that suits me well.
well, it's about mid night here in NY. Time to hit the hay. The Mixology continues tomorrow. What's nice is I'm craving the shake :)
I had a curry chicken wrap
2 cookies *gasp* (first sweet in 9 days)
and baked chicken w/ whole wheat ravioli.
doubleshot espresso (140 cal), vitamin water, 1 cup of coffee, 1 starbucks green coffee (60 cals), 1 cup of 1 % milk, and water.
est. around w/ drinks and cookies 1400 cals.
I'm really trying to be concious of what I am eating and want to achieve my goal. Before I had my daughter I was a size 6/8. I think that was the best size for my height and frame.
On another topic, I want to vent a bit: This girl on some website called skinny gossip called Kate Upton fat, incase you don't know who she is, here's a picture:
Anyway this angered me but than I thought, eh, the skinny girl is probably just jealous that no one mistakes kate for a small asian man. Though I am sure if she ever saw this blog, she'd probably puke on herself...
anyway, moving on.
I think this is something a young woman should strive to be, a girl with curves. This is a look that suits me well.
well, it's about mid night here in NY. Time to hit the hay. The Mixology continues tomorrow. What's nice is I'm craving the shake :)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Day 8: Break day...maybe
Friday, July 13th, 2012:
I decided that I wanted to take a break from the shake at least during the day. I may have the shake for dinner again, but, we'll see.
No gym today, I'll go tomorrow morning.
I think it maybe good to take a break from the shake for a day, after all it IS a supplement.
But, who knows? I may guilt trip myself into drinking it for dinner.
I'll log more tomorrow.
Feel good though, I think the shake is working. I think I lost a few lbs this week.
I decided that I wanted to take a break from the shake at least during the day. I may have the shake for dinner again, but, we'll see.
No gym today, I'll go tomorrow morning.
I think it maybe good to take a break from the shake for a day, after all it IS a supplement.
But, who knows? I may guilt trip myself into drinking it for dinner.
I'll log more tomorrow.
Feel good though, I think the shake is working. I think I lost a few lbs this week.
Day 7: Feel the burn!
Thursday, July 12th, 2012:
SEVEN DAYS 1 shake a day. Maybe next week I can force myself into two shakes a day and just eat one meal a day? I don't know isn't that like anorexic or something?
Anyway, decided to say to hell with drinking the shake for breakfast and lunch! I wanted REAL food!
I CRAVED an onion roll w/ a cup of coffee aaaalllllllll week. I know, strange right? So I went and I got one, yep, that's right BREAD with BUTTER. Oh lovely.
Then for lunch, I hit up Panera bread for their BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad. I love that restaurant and the salads...mmmhmmmhmmm.
(I swear I do NOT work for these companies, I just like what I like)
I went to the gym after work for a two hour session. OH IT FELT SOOO GOOD TO WORK IT OUT!
Sometimes after sitting all day it is so nice to go and sweat for a few hours. It's like taking a hot shower.
I decided through guilt that I would eat the shake for dinner.
and that is what I did, and you know what? It wasn't that bad!
I ate a zone bar after I left the gym w/ a starbucks green coffee energy drink. That spiked my blood sugar level up a notch to be good until I got home.
I even cleaned the kitchen first BEFORE I drank the shake.
Had my shake around 8pm. I was good for the night.
SEVEN DAYS 1 shake a day. Maybe next week I can force myself into two shakes a day and just eat one meal a day? I don't know isn't that like anorexic or something?
Anyway, decided to say to hell with drinking the shake for breakfast and lunch! I wanted REAL food!
I CRAVED an onion roll w/ a cup of coffee aaaalllllllll week. I know, strange right? So I went and I got one, yep, that's right BREAD with BUTTER. Oh lovely.
Then for lunch, I hit up Panera bread for their BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad. I love that restaurant and the salads...mmmhmmmhmmm.
(I swear I do NOT work for these companies, I just like what I like)
I went to the gym after work for a two hour session. OH IT FELT SOOO GOOD TO WORK IT OUT!
Sometimes after sitting all day it is so nice to go and sweat for a few hours. It's like taking a hot shower.
I decided through guilt that I would eat the shake for dinner.
and that is what I did, and you know what? It wasn't that bad!
I ate a zone bar after I left the gym w/ a starbucks green coffee energy drink. That spiked my blood sugar level up a notch to be good until I got home.
I even cleaned the kitchen first BEFORE I drank the shake.
Had my shake around 8pm. I was good for the night.
Day 6: You better really like Chocolate
Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
It's a good thing I like chocolate. Day 6 on the shake.
Finally remembered my shake from work and had the opportunity to mix it up with my beloved blender before work.
No gym today either, again, my turn for pick up/drop off. Tomorrow is a different story.
Anyway, made my lunch this morning. Roast beef and a slice of cheese on multigrain bread.
Had some corn chips w/ salsa with my sandwich.
Kept me good and full until dinner.
Dinner wasn't the best choice, not the worst either. Naturally Rising pizza. At least it's made with decent ingredients. I know excuses, excuses. Spinach on the side---had to make up for it some how.
I have to admit, I'm not nearly as crazy hungry as I imagined I would be.
All good in the hood though. I'm still diggin' it.
It's a good thing I like chocolate. Day 6 on the shake.
Finally remembered my shake from work and had the opportunity to mix it up with my beloved blender before work.
No gym today either, again, my turn for pick up/drop off. Tomorrow is a different story.
Anyway, made my lunch this morning. Roast beef and a slice of cheese on multigrain bread.
Had some corn chips w/ salsa with my sandwich.
Kept me good and full until dinner.
Dinner wasn't the best choice, not the worst either. Naturally Rising pizza. At least it's made with decent ingredients. I know excuses, excuses. Spinach on the side---had to make up for it some how.
I have to admit, I'm not nearly as crazy hungry as I imagined I would be.
All good in the hood though. I'm still diggin' it.
Day 5: Keep on going
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012.
5 days of drinking something isn't that easy. I'm glad it tastes good.
No gym for me this morning or this evening, as I sacrifice myself for my child's fun. It's my day to drop her off at summer camp and pick her back up.
I left the shake powder at my job yesterday forgetting I was going to be home in the morning, snag I could have used the blender! Oh well.
Decided to eat breakfast for the first time in 5 days with my daughter. I ate Fiber one Honey something, 80 calories, blah blah blah. Had to admit, it was nice to have food for breakfast for a change.
Did the shake for lunch: or part of lunch.
Mixed it up with the Skim Milk. After an hour or two after drinking the shake I was really hungry. Work was super busy, so I need to make sure that it's not stress eating. I kept it cool and went and got home made chicken noodle soup from the farmers market and half a slice of bread.
That helped and kept me full until dinner. At that point is was spinach stuffed organic ravioli w/ Bolognase.
and spinach on the side.
I'm just proud that I have managed to replace a meal a day and stick with it.
5 days of drinking something isn't that easy. I'm glad it tastes good.
No gym for me this morning or this evening, as I sacrifice myself for my child's fun. It's my day to drop her off at summer camp and pick her back up.
I left the shake powder at my job yesterday forgetting I was going to be home in the morning, snag I could have used the blender! Oh well.
Decided to eat breakfast for the first time in 5 days with my daughter. I ate Fiber one Honey something, 80 calories, blah blah blah. Had to admit, it was nice to have food for breakfast for a change.
Did the shake for lunch: or part of lunch.
Mixed it up with the Skim Milk. After an hour or two after drinking the shake I was really hungry. Work was super busy, so I need to make sure that it's not stress eating. I kept it cool and went and got home made chicken noodle soup from the farmers market and half a slice of bread.
That helped and kept me full until dinner. At that point is was spinach stuffed organic ravioli w/ Bolognase.
and spinach on the side.
I'm just proud that I have managed to replace a meal a day and stick with it.
Day 4: Mundane Monday
Monday, July 9th, 2012

"Happy" Monday.
Hit the gym early this morning, cardio and abs. It was a good workout. I like getting up early and getting to the gym but it's always the "getting up" part that hurts. Once I'm there, I'm good. But, my ID comes out and says "no, no gym, no worries sleeep....SLEEEEPPP.
Yep, Freud was right.
Headed to work after the gym. I have a lot to do this week into next week to get ready for Vacation. I'm a "stress" eater. I know this about myself, so I have to be careful not to quit on myself.
Bought a quart of skim milk to bring to work with me. Normally, I hate that stuff and go for the 1%. But, they didn't have 1 % and it was either that or 2%. Wanting this shake thing to work out, I grinned and beared it and took the Skim.
Mixed up my breakfast at work again. :( no Mr. Blender. But, having it with milk was the next best thing.
Not too shabby.
Drank my shake, went and got some lunch in the afternoon and had Dinner which was Chicken and potatoes and beans.
I'm still feeling lighter, and I think I'm noticing my thighs are shrinking.
"Happy" Monday.
Hit the gym early this morning, cardio and abs. It was a good workout. I like getting up early and getting to the gym but it's always the "getting up" part that hurts. Once I'm there, I'm good. But, my ID comes out and says "no, no gym, no worries sleeep....SLEEEEPPP.
Yep, Freud was right.
Headed to work after the gym. I have a lot to do this week into next week to get ready for Vacation. I'm a "stress" eater. I know this about myself, so I have to be careful not to quit on myself.
Bought a quart of skim milk to bring to work with me. Normally, I hate that stuff and go for the 1%. But, they didn't have 1 % and it was either that or 2%. Wanting this shake thing to work out, I grinned and beared it and took the Skim.
Mixed up my breakfast at work again. :( no Mr. Blender. But, having it with milk was the next best thing.
Not too shabby.
Drank my shake, went and got some lunch in the afternoon and had Dinner which was Chicken and potatoes and beans.
I'm still feeling lighter, and I think I'm noticing my thighs are shrinking.
Day 3: Am I skinnier?
Sunday: July 8th, 2012
I feel lighter.
I don't think I actually AM lighter, but, hey even if it's giving me a positive out look, I'm happy.
Slept in a little bit before my dog and kid woke me up with vengeance, went back to Mr. Blender, and whipped up another breakfast.
Sal, that's my boyfriend, came in and decided with the rest of the shake that was left over to throw in his GNC something something 60, and the rest of the morning coffee. Hit blend again.
I had to admit with his additions it was a good shake. Added more protein and a kick in the pants.
Kept me full for the rest of the morning. Got to admit, I'm digging the shake.
I feel lighter.
I don't think I actually AM lighter, but, hey even if it's giving me a positive out look, I'm happy.
Slept in a little bit before my dog and kid woke me up with vengeance, went back to Mr. Blender, and whipped up another breakfast.
Sal, that's my boyfriend, came in and decided with the rest of the shake that was left over to throw in his GNC something something 60, and the rest of the morning coffee. Hit blend again.
I had to admit with his additions it was a good shake. Added more protein and a kick in the pants.
Kept me full for the rest of the morning. Got to admit, I'm digging the shake.
DAY 2: A Revelation
Day 2: Saturday, July 7th, 2012
Ah happy, happy Saturday. Got up early this morning, drank a cup or two of joe, and hit the gym with my boyfriend. I like working out with someone, or at least going to the gym with someone. Did a 2 hour workout *love the long sessions*, went home and decided to pull out my old friend Mr. Blender.
I've had these two ice blocks in my Freezer from a party in May (does ice go bad?), broke a few pieces off that bad boy and went to town. Decided to ditch the water and go with 1%. Added the 2 scoops of shake and hit smoothie. I blended the shake until I couldn't see any more texture of the granules. Took a beer mug - yes, I guess I replaced beer with nutrition - and poured a tall one.
It tasted AWESOME. I drank that glass, and having more in the blender, filled it up again and drank that down.
I don't think I can have the shake any other way than that again.
If you're going to go with the GNC shake - get...a...blender!
Ah happy, happy Saturday. Got up early this morning, drank a cup or two of joe, and hit the gym with my boyfriend. I like working out with someone, or at least going to the gym with someone. Did a 2 hour workout *love the long sessions*, went home and decided to pull out my old friend Mr. Blender.
I've had these two ice blocks in my Freezer from a party in May (does ice go bad?), broke a few pieces off that bad boy and went to town. Decided to ditch the water and go with 1%. Added the 2 scoops of shake and hit smoothie. I blended the shake until I couldn't see any more texture of the granules. Took a beer mug - yes, I guess I replaced beer with nutrition - and poured a tall one.
It tasted AWESOME. I drank that glass, and having more in the blender, filled it up again and drank that down.
I don't think I can have the shake any other way than that again.
If you're going to go with the GNC shake - get...a...blender!
DAY 1 on the Total Lean Shake by GNC
I'm an on the go woman. I have a family, a 45 hr a week, sometimes traveling, career. I sit at a desk almost 9 hours a day. EEK. Nutrition and making sure I have my nutrition correct is something that is always stressing me out. If I'm not thinking about my waist line, I'm worried about what I ate, what I have to eat, shopping for it, (continued rant).
Fed up with the cycle of insanity, I decided to give GNC Total Lean shake a go. I wasn't into doing the whole program, maybe in the future but as for now the shake is fine.
Last week, I picked up the "Chocolate Swiss" Total Lean Shake at Rite Aid. Thanks to my nifty Gold card and the 20% wellness discount I get, I picked it up for about $22.00.
I decided to replace 1 meal per day with shake. This is my journey.
Start weight: too fucking fat. So we'll say size: 12.
Height: 5'9.
Activity Level: 3-4 times a week, 1-2 hr sessions, cardio + weights.
Since I started my journey a week ago, but, just started this blog, I will put in my days up to today in multiple entries, so ignore the date posted and pay attention to the titles.
DAY 1: Friday, July 6th, 2012.
I decided to mix the shake w/ water the first day. I was at work and was mixing it into a cup w/ water. The texture was THICK. I think it was the first time I've ever chewed a drink. The taste wasn't half bad, but, the texture was new to me. During the day it caused bloating, but, went away a few hours later. I felt pretty good, and made it to lunch eating very little. That night, we did take out. I had originally ordered stuffed peppers, but, the cook had messed up and I ended up with Chicken Parm. It was great, but, I ate very little of it. I'm not a fan of white pasta.
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