
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 34: STATS on the NEW Shake

Aright, so I drank the new shake yesterday morning and the verdict is...it's less sweet and more thick.

I don't mind it though, the "Rich Chocolate" is exactly that---rich and chocolatey but in a more dark bitter chocolate kind of way. The swiss chocolate is more decadent and sweet.

Hitting the gym tonight after work. Should be a grand ol' time. Then back at it tomorrow morning. No shake for me today as I was out of milk this morning.

Seems to be the trend, we're always running out of stuff left and right. I don't know if it's because my daughter is going through a growth spurt and putting it away or what. Or maybe I'm sleeping eating, like oh yeah the shake is keeping me full, until I go to sleep then my sub-conscious takes over "FEED ME!"

Yeah then Ambients freak sleeping patterns would have nothing on GNC Total Lean!

Going to attempt to take some pictures this weekend so you can see my progress.

Keep tune folks.

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