
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 9: Saturday life

Well Saturday is over, I wish Monday went that fast! Anyway, I didn't drink the shake today, yes its a confession. I thought giving myself a break for the last 2 days and eating normal food would be good for me. It will keep me from feeling deprived. I didn't go nuts today though.

I had a curry chicken wrap
2 cookies *gasp* (first sweet in 9 days)
and baked chicken w/ whole wheat ravioli.

doubleshot espresso (140 cal), vitamin water, 1 cup of coffee, 1 starbucks green coffee (60 cals), 1 cup of  1 % milk, and water.

est. around w/ drinks and cookies 1400 cals.

I'm really trying to be concious of what I am eating and want to achieve my goal. Before I had my daughter I was a size 6/8. I think that was the best size for my height and frame.

On another topic, I want to vent a bit: This girl on some website called skinny gossip called Kate Upton fat, incase you don't know who she is, here's a picture:


Anyway this angered me but than I thought, eh, the skinny girl is probably just jealous that no one mistakes kate for a small asian man. Though I am sure if she ever saw this blog, she'd probably puke on herself...

anyway, moving on.

I think this is something a young woman should strive to be, a girl with curves. This is a look that suits me well.

well, it's about mid night here in NY. Time to hit the hay. The Mixology continues tomorrow. What's nice is I'm craving the shake :)


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