
Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 25: How to save money on the shake

So I wanted to inform you all of what I find is the best method for milking the Shake Cow. If you want to save money on the shake than here is a clever way to do it.

I find that Riteaid is the best place to get GNC products. You'd think you'd get better deals at the GNC store at your local mall, but you'd be wrong!

Riteaid has this great program called their "riteaid wellness card". This card is the best thing since sliced bread and if you shop at Riteaid as often as I do you'd be crazy not to get one.

I made it well over 1,000 points last year and now I save 20% off in the store EVERY TIME I GO (of course some of the fine print things apply, like no beer at a discount or if the sale item is better than the 20% no double couponing...whatever)

Anyway, I save money on all kinds of things there with this wellness card, but, it wasn't until I discovered the handy dandy combo of the Wellness card and the Gold Card of GNC, because you can use your gold card at Riteaid! Whoo-hoo!

For all of you who aren't familiar with a gold card, it's a discount card from GNC that you pay a fee to join and save 10% or more on their products the first week of the month. If you're visiting GNC monthly for big ticket items, it can be helpful, plus there is some extra perks with the card if you're vigilient, honestly don't have the time to be super gold card member.

So you become a wellness card member and a goldcard member and you can really start to play with  Riteaids discounts and deals. Most of the time Riteaid will have sales on their GNC products for Wellness card members (buy 1 get 1 free, buy 1 get 1 50% off, save 50%, etc.)

If you combine your wellness card and goldcard at checkout (remember you'd have to do this first week of the month) than you could get some super savings.

When I bought my shake, I bought it in the beginning of July (10% off Goldcard) with my Wellness card (20% off) and ended up saving 30%. Plus it was buy 1 get 1 50% off.

If the companies offer the programs...use em!

Riteaid Wellness Card
GNC Goldcard