
Friday, August 24, 2012


I feel better today. Not so aggravated. I've been drinking the shake pretty diligently this week. I did have a weak moment this morning and ate a bagel with butter. Yes, yes I did. And you know what it was delicious but it made me tired.

I definitely have more energy in the morning by drinking the shake. Which I think is to be expected since if you carb load in the morning you're going to crash later.

This afternoon I had chili and a fiber one bar.

Tonight for dinner, I'm not sure yet. Sal is sick so it might be left overs.

I've worked out 3 times this week and I want to go tomorrow too to make it 4. Hopefully I can pull it together and get my butt there.

On another note, I'm looking to expand this blog. I'm going to start to put in some of my favorite recipes/healthy food along with work out sessions that I find burn the most fat.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd be interested in knowing.

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