
Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 7: Feel the burn!

Thursday, July 12th, 2012:

SEVEN DAYS 1 shake a day. Maybe next week I can force myself into two shakes a day and just eat one meal a day? I don't know isn't that like anorexic or something?

Anyway, decided to say to hell with drinking the shake for breakfast and lunch! I wanted REAL food!

I CRAVED an onion roll w/ a cup of coffee aaaalllllllll week. I know, strange right? So I went and I got one, yep, that's right BREAD with BUTTER. Oh lovely.

Then for lunch, I hit up Panera bread for their BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad. I love that restaurant and the salads...mmmhmmmhmmm.

(I swear I do NOT work for these companies, I just like what I like)

I went to the gym after work for a two hour session. OH IT FELT SOOO GOOD TO WORK IT OUT!

Sometimes after sitting all day it is so nice to go and sweat for a few hours. It's like taking a hot shower.

I decided through guilt that I would eat the shake for dinner.

and that is what I did, and you know what? It wasn't that bad!

I ate a zone bar after I left the gym w/ a starbucks green coffee energy drink. That spiked my blood sugar level up a notch to be good until I got home.

I even cleaned the kitchen first BEFORE I drank the shake.

Had my shake around 8pm. I was good for the night.

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