
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 26: Signs of success

Anyone can do anything for a month, right? You can stick to a diet, live with a bad haircut, or a paint color you hate...but what about the next month and the month after? 

We need signs of motivation to push us through when we're at our lowest. Maybe the scale isn't moving as fast as we want it to...perhaps that paint color doesn't match anything---but then the signs arrive.

It doesn't need to be huge, after all it's probably the small things your going to notice anyway. I love the small things. Like when I put my shirt on and it's loser in the sleeves, or that button up shirt that once stretched now buttons with ease. It's these things that keep me from throwing in the towel.

Sure, I can be proud that I've successfully drank the shake for 26 days now and that I've lost 8lbs during that time. But, I'll be even prouder when my rear doesn't stretch out those jeans or when I start getting the glances of jealousy I used to get...oh yeah, I noticed those.

See, it's putting up with the highs and the lows. I didn't feel like going to the gym tonight...ugh no I certainly did not, but, I decided I wasn't going to listen to my "id". I was going to shove him right back in the hole he crawled out of and get it done. I was happy I did. I think they call that "perseverance"

I'm not the preachy type, but I need to remind myself that shit's not easy and I'm not always going to have those days where I look at the scale and I've achieved so much. I need a post and perhaps you do too where I can remember what it takes to put back on the driving gloves and punch it.

So use this post as your muse for success.

On a different note, I was listening to Dr. OZ on PIX11 this morning and he was talking about weight loss and working out. He said a lot of the time people will workout and continue to eat whatever they want (ahem, don't know WHAT he's talking about) and will over compensate for the workout. The average person---and honestly you should be doing better then this at the gym--burns 200-300 calories in a workout. If you get out of the gym and eat 600 additional calories you just filled back in what you've burned and can sometimes have a surplus. Makes sense. I was able to reflect on this because in all reality it wasn't until I got my diet in check that I'm starting to see results. Don't get me wrong, I was not eating junk, it just was too much vs. my energy burn. That's all right though, I got it now. So remember diet can be up to 90% of what it takes to lose weight. This doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise, so get your butt back on that treadmill!!!

One last thing, I apologize as I feel gabby tonight---Skinny Cow Ice Cream kicks butt too. Try the "Oh Fudge Nuts" Ice cream cones. 150 cals per cone. REALLY good. See you don't need the high cals for an awesome sweet tooth satisfy.

Well good night - until tomorrow.


  1. I just read all your posts and am glad that I saw your link from your comment on the gnc website. I just tried the shake at GNC today and wanted to do some research on it. I tasted the chocolate and really loved the taste of it. Thank you for the heads up on where to get the shakes to save money in the long run. Congrats on the weight loss. Stick to it and your weight loss goals will be achieved.

    1. Hey Amy, Thanks. I'm having a great success with the shake and it's really become part of my daily routine. You'll def. save money mixing the shakes yourself as opposed to pre-mixed. Best of luck to you too, let me know how it's working for you.
