
Thursday, November 8, 2012

DAY 126: Ain't gonna rain no mo no mo.

Whew, dodge the bullet on BOTH frankenstorms. "Hurricane/Frankenstorm/Superstorm/Hiroshima/Sandy missed upstate NY quite a bit. We lost power for 4 days because a tree fell on our powerlines and the stupid electric company took 4 DAYS to respond.

90 miles N of me is a different story. Those guys got rocked. Only positive is, so-long MTV's Jersey Shore. No remakes on that one. You can film them rebuilding the T-shirt shop, board walk, and Karma. Now that's a situation.

Than to add insult to injury a Nor'Easter came rolling through, but, that remained mostly coastal. Leaving us with a dusting inland. Now sunshine and warmer temps rolling through and of course

POWER to blend my shakes!

Back on the hardcore Shake Push. I have been blending shakes every day for the past week, since I got my power back on. Been avoiding the Halloween candy for all that it's worth and been making an attempt to get at the gym.

Sunday I leave for ST. Pete's beach FL, and although I really wanted to be much thinner by the time I get down there, I've realized I need to set smaller goals for myself.

So goal #1: Lose an additional 10lbs by Christmas. See small.

I'm going to start trying to take better cosmo care of myself as well. Maybe if you start to dress sexy, look sexy you'll begin to get the confidence to really take on the life style as a whole.

 My daughter is getting older, which is helping. Our finances are more secure at least for now.

The gym is across the street from my job.

I think if you really and truly want something you can have it. Especially with your own body you can't be in more control than that.

Had my shake this morning and hitting the gym tonight.

Tip of the day: Definitely add almond butter to get the shake to hold you over further. REALLY works, gives you energy and makes  you feel great.

Posting pics soon.

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