
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shred Routine - continues. Thoughts, tired, wondering what's up

It was a good week last week. Finally got the bowflex together and started using it. It is different than the cable machines at the gym...but it does a decent job. I drank my shake every single morning---the one morning that I didn't----I got heartburn! Seriously, I had to take anti-acids.

I went up to Rochester this weekend into yesterday. I had my cheat day but honestly, I could have cared less. There's been a change in me for sure. I used to like food...get excited about a good meal. Now...I don't much care. It's like another thing to think about. I don't care if I have a sweet or don't. I don't care if I eat the best food ever or not. I hate anything greasy, fattening, or unhealthy...which is awesome I guess in one aspect and kind of crappy in another. I'm sure I'll get cravings at some point...but if not than oh well.

I have also been SO TIRED for the last week. I think it was from getting back into my routine but I can literally sleep for hours---at any point during the day.

I hope my pre-workout supplement comes soon! GNC has my Ab Cuts pre-work in back-order for two weeks now. I really need that to propel me forward!

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