Hey everyone, happy Monday!
I was looking at my google analytics for my GNC blog and I'm almost up to 10,000 views. Thanks for everyone who's been following my weight loss journey. Not just with the GNC total lean which is where this all started but also just through my ups and downs and giving the motivation to continue on. So, thanks!
Where am I today with my progress? "GOD has she LOST any WEIGHT?!"
The answer is, yes. I lost about 15 lbs when I included the shake into my life. For all of you who are just stopping in, I went through a period when I took a break. Stresses of purchasing a house, moving, etc. added a few of those lbs back on me. I've since then decided to regroup in my new home and move forward. Some of the things I noticed that are holding me back are:
1. Portion size. For everything NOT in a shake, portions although may look small on a plate are really not that small. I purchased a dish to take with me to work. It's perfectly portioned and can refrigerate your food through an ice pouch top. It's great...accept I left it in my car unwashed by accident and at a certain point...we don't wash things anymore. So, I'll be throwing that one out and purchasing a FEW more. I'm going to start bringing my lunch in it again AND eating my dinners from them. That will help the cause. Also, dessert items will only be available certain days of the week. I'm thinking Wednesday and Saturday.
2. Time to get to the gym. ARGH! There's nothing more annoying than NOT being able to get to the gym. The WORST thing is early in the morning. I got great advice from someone else's review on this pre-workout supplement shake I'm going to be purchasing as well called "Ab cuts". Anyway, the advice was "Don't make any decisions when you first get up. make it your goal to drink coffee or pre-workout. If you make it your goal to workout first thing in the morning your automatic thought is "screw that I'm going back to bed." BUT your body LOVES getting its morning fix. Once you got it revved up and ready to go, it's not going to want to go back to bed and you can convince yourself to go and hit the gym
In this case, I'm hitting my basement! One of the great features of my new place is the finished basement. I love it. I can go ahead and workout downstairs. I've purchased an investment of health in the form of a Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE. It's on its way to my house right now. I can't wait!
I also purchased an exercise ball and treadmill. Some free weights, a bench, and another cardio machine and I will have a complete home gym.
So, I continue on in the never-ending journey. I hope that these tools, not miracles, will get me to where I want to go...and quickly it's almost swim suit time.
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